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Name: Annette-Karissa Avila


Project description:


My project is the reconstruction of an old Layton 1979 camper for purpose of waste reduction learning, minimalist innovation, and full time camper living. I have come to realize that owning a house is something I do not have to do, I can travel and spend my days perfectly comfortable in a small unit. With this project, not only will I learn how to reconstruct and build, I will learn how to appreciate the space I am in.


How the project evolved:


Originally my project was to build a bicycle towed camper that would accompany me on vacation or as temporary housing. I would have been about six feet by 4 feet, just enough to sleep and eat in. Then as my friend Sharline and I were on Craigslist, she found the Layton camper for two hundred and fifty dollars. It appeared to be in good condition as the previous owners had started work on it themselves. It was then that I decided that I could live in a camper, so I gave them a call and a couple days later the camper was mine. I would say that this was a step up from what I wanted to do previously and that I am thankful I had a friend like Sharline to assist me in finding the perfect home.


Special things I would like the judges to consider:

Although I was not able to complete the camper within this time frame, I will say that it will be finished by the time this school year is over. I already have items such as solar panels in delivery that should arrive just after the Senior Project is due and I am slowly but surely acquiring more items with each paycheck I earn. Throughout the entire project, I would say that I am having fun. It is quite rewarding to be able to build my own home properly, while I could of have kept the interior as was and build upon that, I knew that if I wanted this camper to last me a long time, I would rather wait to get all the materials I need and do quality work now than to have to repair many times in the future. Overall I would say that I am proud to have a product that will stick with me for the rest of my life rather than an event that would have spent the remainder of its lifetime  written in a binder just to throw away later.

Project Overview

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